"To make people rediscover the importance of slow travel, sustainable mobility and environmental education"
Our company, Green Road, was founded with this aim in mind by young people who believe these that these are the fundamental values to be pursued in an age of frenzy, stress and distractions.
In fact, we think that a change of direction is possible only by making the young aware of an instinct for culture, wonder and protection towards everything around us.
Our first step was the opening of the bike rental business in Ortona, near the access to the “Via Verde dei Trabocchi”, the cycle path that runs through one of the most suggestive stretches of the Mediterranean coast.
The next future will see us engaged in outdoor educational activities, organisation of guided tours (on foot, by bike and on horseback) and environmental awareness events: we intend to educate and stir up people’s consciousness so as to trace a new, conscious, Green Road.
For all those who share our mission, we are available for collaborations, projects and events.